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accounting services
Accounting office for everybody
We are an experienced and innovative accounting office based in the city of Łódź, Poland. We provide comprehensive services for all entrepreneurs whose accounting is based on the tax revenue and expense ledger as well as for companies keeping accounting books. We provide services to both individuals and commercial law companies.
Accounting office services
- Ledger: keeping the tax revenue and expense ledger.
- Trading books: keeping the trading book for, among others, limited liability companies and foundations.
- Flat rate: keeping records of revenues.
- HR and payroll: calculating salaries and keeping personal files.
- Assistance in starting a business.
- Assistance in registering commercial law companies, including dealing with government offices, drafting a company agreement, notary services.
- Representation before tax offices and the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).
And more:
Settlement of EU subsidies, subsidies from the employment office, bridging retirements. We settle VZM-1, VAT deduction for building materials expenses. We prepare PIT taking into account revenues while working abroad. PIT annual settlements. Deducting expenses for doctors and medicines.

Our employees are constantly improving their qualifications. Their training includes courses at the Accountants Association in Poland, which is the oldest and largest Polish organization gathering representatives of the professional milieu of accounting and finance.
Our specialties include:
- tax law,
- labour law and code,
- services for limited liability companies, foundations and businesses,
- accounting for service and production companies.
Your accounting in good hands
Only an experienced business partner is able to guarantee the stability and development of your company. It’s up to you to choose an accounting office that will provide a high standard of services and will be ready to assist you in any extraordinary event. Let’s work together for the benefit of your business.
More than 20 years in accounting.
More that 100 companies in our portfolio.
Up-to-date certificates, training and insurance.
Modern approach to accounting.
A WORD FROM the management
Do what you’re good at!
As entrepreneurs, we have extensive business experience, gathered from developing various successful projects. In short, our professional life is not limited to accounting. We were tired of accounting offices telling us what can’t be done, of visiting them several times a month to settle our issues. We decided to set up our own accounting office, one that would meet our expectations and help us to freely develop our other businesses. Of course, every entrepreneur knows that he will never fully liberate himself from accounting matters. After all, he is forced to spend part of his valuable time on organizing papers and identifying his own needs. Nevertheless, an accounting office focused on finding solutions tailored to the individual expectations of the entrepreneur is an important step on the ladder to success. MARKA is an accounting office created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. We are convinced that the services and solutions – that we have crafted and tested ourselves – will work for you just as well as they did for us.
price list
Accounting services package offers
Annual settlements- PIT annual settlements
- Work abroad (from 130 PLN)
- VAT deduction from building materials expenses (VZM-1)
- Deduction from medicine expenses
Revenue and expense ledger- Keeping the revenue and expense ledger with VAT
- Keeping records of revenues (flat rate) with VAT
- HR for the owner
- Picking up documents at the client’s headquarters
Full trading books- Accounting books for ltd companies, associations and foundations
- HR for one employee
- Picking up documents at the client’s headquarters